Mobile Devices Set-up

Mobile devices set-up options are the same for domain and user. As an administrator, you can choose settings for mobile devices and optionally apply them to different users.

  • To see all mobile devices connected to the domain, click > Users & Domains > select a domain > go to the Mobile Devices tab .

  • To see all mobile devices connected to a user account click > Users & Domains > select a domain > go to the Accounts tab > select account > go to the Mobile Devices tab of the account.

Figure. Domain view.

Figure. User view.

In the Domain or User view, click a device in the device list to see the device settings: Info and Synchronization tabs.

Info tab

Figure. Info tab in device settings.

In Device Info you can review and edit the device properties or block device from accessing the server.

In Remotely wipe device you can reset connected mobile device in 2 ways:

  • Soft wipe: deletes only data downloaded from the server

  • Hard wipe: resets the device to factory settings, deleting data from device and SD cards Extended setup is available in the second section of device list named Synchronization.

Synchronization tab

Figure. Synchronization tab in device settings.

Warning: Pay attention when choosing to SOFT wipe or HARD wipe a device, it is irreversible.